Monday, February 3, 2014


I hope to one day accomplish all my goals in life so that I may eventually relax and enjoy some of the things that I have always dreamed of doing. I want to travel everywhere. I could see myself selling my home packing up in a motor home and hitting the road. There are so many places I want to go and see. I one day want to go overseas and visit other countries and just get a taste of all the amazing places there are to go. I have always wanted to go to Italy. It looks like such an amazing place to go. So many different areas that you can see. I would like to visit as many islands as I can . I absolutely love the beach and could set relaxing on one everyday. There are also a lot of places in the United States I would like to visit. All the different places of some importance to our country. Things that mean something. I want to enjoy the outdoors. No more of these Missouri winters. I want to be able to pack up and go away for the winter and go to where it is warm. I know I will have to work hard and be very careful to plan and save to be able to do these things. But I know with persistence I can make it happen. Of course I know there will be those ups and downs along the way, but just have to keep hanging in and not give up. I feel that everyone should fight for their dreams and goals in life. I don't want to live my life for the materialist things of this world. Memories is what I am making, memories that can never be taken from me. I want to take my children places that they want to go and spend as much time as I can with them before they are grown and start to live their own dreams. I hope that they learn from my hard work and determination and are able to say in their lives that their mom always fought for what she wanted and made her dreams come true. I want to be an inspiration to them.